Hi! My name is Vaquita and I am a 3-year-old, 50 lb spayed female. I am already housetrained and crate-trained. I no longer need to be crated when left home alone, though I need to have a crate available to me as a safe space when I get anxious.
I have done well meeting men, women, and older children. I love being pet and snuggling up with my family—often involving me laying upside down on the couch! I will immediately seek affection from anyone I meet when we are at home; if I am on a leash away from home I need more proper introductions.
I am reactive towards other animals and have shown aggression in interactions. I am currently working with a trainer to improve my coping skills around other animals, but I will need to be the only animal in my home.
I absolutely adore toys and can often be found holding a stuffy! Ropes for tug or a ball are my favorite!
I ride well in the car. My leash skills are a work in progress as I learn not to pull and how to engage with my handler even when there are distractions. I have already learned sit, come, and roll over. I will need a handler committed to continuing my training and providing adequate physical exercise. Could you be my family?
Follow me on Facebook: #EchoDogVaquita
For more information, please contact Adoptions.
Echo Dogs fosters dogs in many states east of the Mississippi. Visit our Newcomers to see more of our dogs. Transportation for the adopted dog is available. Remember, we are an all-volunteer foster rescue organization - we DO NOT have a physical shelter to visit. Our minimum adoption donation is $350. All dogs are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on vaccinations and micro-chipped. Puppies under 6 months old may not be spayed/neutered. This would be the responsibility of the adopter at their own expense. Proof of spay/neuter will be required!
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